Hearing aids bring so many benefits to those who wear them. Being able to hear clearly makes a huge difference in life. Every part of your life, from work to socializing, can be improved with hearing aids. But there’s no doubt that getting hearing aids does require a bit of adjustment. Once you’ve seen a hearing health professional, you will have the right hearing aids to match your needs.

Wearing hearing aids doesn’t need to put an end to your workouts. You simply need to know how to wear them and protect them while you exercise. No matter what sport or an exercise you love, there’s a way to work around your hearing aids. Here are some of the ways you can incorporate your hearing aids into your fitness routine.

Choose the Right Hearing Aids

If you love sports, it’s a great idea to discuss this with your hearing health professional. Understanding the sports, you like can help your hearing health professional advise you on the best choice of hearing aid for your lifestyle. There is a choice of hearing aid styles, including in the ear (ITE), behind the ear (BTE) and in the canal (ITC). Choosing the best style for your fitness routine will ensure you can work out comfortably.

Keep Moisture at Bay

While most modern hearing aids can handle a bit of moisture, it’s still best to keep them dry. Luckily, there are quite a few options to keep hearing aids dry while you exercise. You could try using hearing aid sweatbands if you wear BTE hearing aids. These will absorb any sweat and prevent the moisture getting into your hearing aids.

Secure Your Hearing Aids

Securing your hearing aids during workouts is crucial to keep them from falling off or getting damaged. You can use special accessories like clips or bands made for hearing aids to hold them in place securely while you exercise. Consider using sweatbands or headbands to absorb sweat and keep your hearing aids dry. You might also want to use covers that resist sweat or moisture to protect them. After exercising, make sure to clean and dry your hearing aids to keep them working well and avoid any harm. It’s also important to check that they fit properly to prevent accidental slipping during workouts.

Ensure You Can Hear During Fitness Classes

Fitness classes can be noisy, and the acoustics of the sports hall make it even harder to hear. To ensure you don’t miss any of the workout, you could ask your instructor to wear a remote microphone to help you hear everything throughout the class.

Maintain Your Hearing Aids

As you can see, choosing the right hearing aid style and keeping them dry and secure should mean your hearing aids can handle your workouts. But you also need to ensure you take the best care of your hearing aids. Ensuring that you clean them at night after your workouts is essential. Try using a dehumidifier or soft, dry cloth after to remove any moisture that may have built up during your workout. If you have any questions about how to incorporate hearing aids into your fitness routine, get in touch with a hearing health professional.

Tags: hearing aid tips, hearing health